Grey Water Damage

Grey Water Damage Questions
The classification of this water damage class is perhaps the most complicated. The water can initially, be quite clean.
As the days go by the contamination will increase to the level where it classed as black water instead of grey.
Our technicians will look at the following factors to make their water classification determination:
- Where Did The Leak Start?
- Has The Water Been in Contact With Chemicals or Building Material?
- How Long Ago Did The Water Damage Occur?
Sources of Water Classified as Grey.
Examples Are:
- Washing machines leaks. This refers to water containing washing powder. This is different from clean water damage where no chemicals or clothing contact has taken place.
- Dishwasher leaks. Again referring to water that has washed dirty dishes or come into contact with detergent.
- Bath overflows. An example may be where a bubble bath has been allowed to overflow.
- Roof leaking. Water coming through a ceiling and roof insulation is no longer 100% clean.
- Pipe burst in a wall where the water came into contact with wall insulation.
- Water damage allowed to dwell in carpets and underlay for more than 2 days. The IICRC classification goes from clean to grey
Our Technicians Are Best Placed to Advise You on the Extent of Your Water Ingress.
You may not grasp how contaminated your water damage is.
Our comprehensive water damage inspection will ensure that the correct path of restoration is followed. We have the equipment and tools to accurately assess the nature of your water damage event.
It Helps to Know What Caused the Water Ingress.
This may sound very obvious. The truth is that It is not always that clear. Customers may confuse the source of the water. This may lead to incorrect assumptions of the water damage dangers.
Our technicians are best placed to identify and recommend your best restoration remedial path. When water is clean or grey, it poses far less of a health threat to you and your loved ones. In most instances grey and clean water damage will allow you to still live in your property.

What Path Did the Water Take?
What is originally clean water, gets changed by material and chemical contact.
Example: Water coming through a cracked roof tile.
Inside the roof there may be contact with chemically treated timber beams. Thereafter, in most modern homes the water will then seep through roof insulation. The ceiling eventually releases the same water onto carpets, rugs, mattresses and furniture.
In line with the international to IICRC guidelines, it takes two days 48 hours to go from clean to grey water and and a further two days to become black water. We can fix grey water damage. You have to contact us quickly to make this happen.
Let Us Guide You.
Our experienced technicians will conduct a complete initial inspection. The factors that determine your water damage event will be varied and in need of expert interpretation. MFE staff are there to advise and guide you to get back to normality.
Professional Inspections Take Time.
Our water damage restoration process takes time. Please read more on our inspection process.
Do not be tempted with a low water damage restoration quotation.
Alhough you think that you chose the “competitively priced” restorer, you may well pay twice. Surprisingly, for the original restoration and then afterwards for further remedial work because mould has incubated in your home.
Basically, it is our goal to make you grasp the full extent of all the requirements to restore a home in a professional manner.
Call Us For Expert Service!
The 3 Different Types of Water Damage
This is the easiest type of water damage for us to deal with. We use moisture meters and thermal imaging to get an accurate idea of the extent of your water ingress.
Professional inspection will show you the true damage.
Contaminated water may pose a health threat to you and your family. Making sure the water is clean helps us complete the appropriate workplace safety assessment.
The classification of this water damage class is perhaps the most complicated. The water can initially be quite clean.
Our technicians will look at factors to determine the water classification.
As the days go by the contamination will increase to the level where it is classed as black water instead of grey.
This is the most severe type of water damage. It causes significant damage to contents and structures. Most of the damage cannot be restored.
This level of water damage is best left to the professionals.
Black water can have a distinct odour. There are quite often visual markers present, thus making correct classification easy.