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The 3 Different Types of Water Damage
This is the easiest type of water damage for us to deal with. We use moisture meters and thermal imaging to get an accurate idea of the extent of your water ingress.
Professional inspection will show you the true damage.
Contaminated water may pose a health threat to you and your family. Making sure the water is clean helps us complete the appropriate workplace safety assessment.
The classification of this water damage class is perhaps the most complicated. The water can initially be quite clean.
Our technicians will look at factors to determine the water classification.
As the days go by the contamination will increase to the level where it is classed as black water instead of grey.
This is the most severe type of water damage. It causes significant damage to contents and structures. Most of the damage cannot be restored.
This level of water damage is best left to the professionals.
Black water can have a distinct odour. There are quite often visual markers present, thus making correct classification easy.